Customizing Extent Report

I’ve been receiving some queries related to how we customize the extent report that has been generated. Queries like:

  1. How do I change the title?
  2. How do I default to dark theme?
  3. In the dashboard view, how do I default to Child Tests only or Parent Tests only mode?
  4. Due to some organization policy, when executed through Jenkins, the https protocol of style sheets and script files are blocked. How do we resolve this?

Let’s see one by one. Before diving in, let’s create a xml file called extent-config.xml (you can name it whatever you want) in the src/test/resources/ directory. The following suggestions should be done on this file only.

How do I change the title?

Open extent-config.xml file and add the following code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <documentTitle>My Custom Browser Title</documentTitle> <!-- This title will be displayed as browser title for the page -->
    <reportName>My Custom Report Title</reportName> <!-- This will be your report heading -->
    <reportHeadline>A small headline</reportHeadline>

How do I default to dark theme?

Add the following in your xml file under the configuration node:


In the dashboard view, how do I default to Child Tests only or Parent Tests only mode?

Add the following in your xml file under the configuration node to default the Parent Tests only mode:

$(document).ready(function() {
            $('#parentWithoutNodes').prop("checked", true).click();
$('#test-count-setting > div.modal-footer > a')[0].click();

To default to Child Tests only mode, replace #parentWithoutNodes to #childNodes.

How to resolve https protocol error?

Add the following in your xml file under the configuration node:


This will make sure that all the stylesheets and scripts will follow the http protocol.

Hook the custom config

Now once you have created your custom config xml file, you will have to load that.

If you are using CucumberExtentReporter, add the following line of code in your runner.

ExtentCucumberFormatter.loadConfig(new File("src/test/resources/extent-config.xml"));

Now re-run and open the generated report to see the customized extent report.

Update: Updated the xml config to select the Parent Tests only and click on Save button. Thanks to Alexei who pointed out.